Monday, November 26, 2007



I was recently procrastinating and surfing when I decided to be adventurous and scroll to the bottom of the page. And to my complete amazement, I found a link that said, "Face the Candidates." I clicked on it, and I found video links to each major Presidential candidate as well as videos to their positions on the most heated issues of the '08 debate. My first reaction was excitement.. I was happy to see that such a popular website was doing something to support the race, and furthermore support voting in the next year's election. In my eyes, it was doing its part to support America. But then, I had second thoughts. It frustrated me to see that the link to this was at the bottom of the page, next to the search button. Why it wasn't at the top next to the other search button bothered me. More depressing was the number of views some of the videos have. Rudy Giuliani's video on education had just a mere 5,000 views. Avril Lavigne's music video, "Girlfriend," is at 62 million. It's disappointing to see that first, has put the link in a place that a majority of site visitors don't look, and second, that the American youth have shown little interest in this race for the White House

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