Wednesday, November 14, 2007

what $611 billion can buy


So pretty much, after reading that President Bush vetoed a bill for $600 billion that was to be spent on health and labor, I found this article that showed how much $611 billion could actually buy. $611 billion is the amount they expect the Iraq war to cost. These are the most interesting ones:

"More than a year's worth of Medicare benefits for everyone:
In fiscal 2008, Medicare benefits will total $454 billion, according to a Heritage Foundation summary. The $611 billion in war costs is 17 times the amount vetoed by the president for a $35 billion health benefit program for poor children."

"A real war on poverty
According to World Bank estimates, $54 billion a year would eliminate starvation and malnutrition globally by 2015, while $30 billion would provide a year of primary education for every child on earth.

At the upper range of those estimates, the $611 billion cost of the war could have fed and educated the world's poor for seven years."

The things Bush could have done for Humanity.

1 comment:

Jackie Messina said...

Have you tried to get help from the GOV. I have they dont need more money(tax raise). I have epilepsy and I make 100 dollars a month to much for med care and have to stop working to try to get disabilty help(SSD) First we have to fix what we have now. stop paying for people not from here if they come in hurt help them I understand but are we going to cover every doctor appoitment for them. There is about 100 billion saved (I guess ) I work at a dog track and see people all day doing nothing there life good. Mr ? comes running to the counter to make a bet then turns and pulls out his cane SAD. Are GOV. being lazy is costing us money and when me and my wife have a child ( I PRAY) most all children are covered AMERICANS. TEXAS ace