Monday, October 15, 2007


The other day, my dad said that Al Gore should run for president again, because he would have a good chance of winning. And in my mind I thought, "Why? Who wants to see him run again??" But then I really thought about it. Gore's policy on the environment is refreshing to say the least. With today's environmental issues, it's a breath of fresh air to see a politician who cares about one of the largest most threatening inevitable issues of our time. Plus, he has already taken steps necessary to fix the problem. "An Inconvenient Truth" was one of the most watched documentaries of our time! He differs from Hillary because he doesn't have a controversial position on Iraq. He differs from Barack because he has experience in both the House and the Senate. And now, Gore is being seen in a different light. He's created this aura that's actually, for lack of a better term, cool. He has the third highest grossing documentary, which puts him in cahoots with Hollywood, and he can even crack jokes about himself on SNL.

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