Wednesday, October 24, 2007


I'm somewhat positive that the way the government handles the California fires will be compared to the way the government handled Katrina. So I thought I would put in my two cents. First, I firmly believe that while the government is handling the fire situation a thousand times better than Katrina, that the improvement has nothing to do with race. Its been 2 years since the hurricane disaster. That's two years to get everything straightened out. Furthermore, San Diego, La Jolla, Irvine, Canyon Country, and all other areas that are affected by the fire are extremely affluent compared to those in New Orleans. People in California have their own forms of transportation, and are not dependent on public transit. Moreover, a flood is a completely different disaster than a fire. Fires, once put out, are done. The end. Floods on the other hand, stay and create problems for the infrastructure of the city.

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